Monday 25 March 2013

The ideal teacher

The ideal teacher i type of a person who is emotional and helpfull to students or society. In this essay the advantages and diadvantages of the ideal teacher will be discussed.

The ideal teacher has several advantages. Firstly, she is sympathetic to the student this means she is some one who showes especially by what they say,   understand  and care about someone suffering. Secondly being nice and genius the students. For example,to be great and rare to natural ability. Another good point is to love the people you are teaching and encourage them cause most of them they have problem in English as their second language.As a result of intimate being likely to them in order to creat a very close friendship.

However, the are several disadvantages. To begin with, it is not good to help students you need to let them do their effort. This means they have to know how to work by them selfs, not depending on the teacher.
Also,some teachers don't let the students to express their opinion and they don't require their questions.

In summary tha ideal teacher have both advantages and disadvantages .In a positive site the teacher can be helpfull to students.In a negative way it effect their ability to do their school work and it deacrease their skills.In conclusion,the students have to choose what is the best for them in order to depend on the teacher.